Monday, February 21, 2011

Finally an update

As you can tell, I am not very good at keeping up with the whole blogging thing since it has been over a year since I posted anything. However, I finally decided to give a quick update on what is going on with us and post a few pictures that we have taken over the past few months. Justin and I just bought a house last month and are all moved in and getting situated. We bought a house in Gilbert, AZ and are liking the area. It is definitely nice to have space after living in apartments for so long. It makes life much easier for both the kids and I to have room to move around. I posted a few pictures of our new house as well.

Braeden just turned 3 in December and Camden is now 16 months and keep me very busy. We are expecting our 3rd child in about 8 weeks and it is a girl this time around. We weren't planning on having 3 so close together and came as a big surprise to us when we found out, but are getting excited to have a new addition to our family. Life is definitely going to be very chaotic and exhausting with 3 kids 3 years old and under. I am just ready to not be pregnant for a very long time since I have been for the past 3 years. The kids are doing great, this pregnancy has been flying by, and we are all doing well.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Updated pictures

I am finally getting around to putting a few new pictures of our family up on the blog. I just don't have as much free time anymore to spend doing this, but I thought it was time to do an update. Justin and I thought we were going to be moving to Las Vegas for the past few months, but things fell through so it looks like we are staying in Arizona for a while longer. We are looking to buy a house in Gilbert, AZ but haven't quite found one yet. Justin and I are both playing in tennis leagues now and are enjoying the beautiful weather here. We are doing well and just enjoying our 2 little boys. Here are some pictures from Christmas in Utah and Camden's baby blessing. We had planned to bless him in Utah so many family members could be there, but Justin got sick on the blessing day so we couldn't do it. We finally got Camden blessed today, although we weren't able to have any family around for it. Camden is now 3 months old.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Camden Robert Johnson/Halloween

It has been a long time since I have updated our blog, so I thought it was about time. We welcomed a new addition to our family on October 30, 2009. His name is Camden Robert Johnson and he weighed 8 lbs and was 20 inches in length. My labor and delivery went very smoothly and was pretty easy especially compared to my first. I was released from the hospital the next day on Halloween. My parents are here visiting for a couple of weeks to help out which has been really nice. They are leaving to serve a family history mission in Salt Lake City at the end of this month. Since I had just gotten home from the hospital on Halloween and wasn't up for doing much, Justin and my dad dressed Braeden up in his cowboy costume and took him to our stake Trunk or Treat. We are all doing well and are so excited to have Camden in our lives.